When I play indie shooters, I feel that I am always looking for a game that brings back the magic Hotline Miami 1 brought me, and while this game definitely isn't on that game's level, its an absolute treat I tell you! Contra on the nes or for a more current game Broforce is a swell way to describe the way this game plays and I feel it is a better overall than both those games as well as more fun. Greetings and Salutations everyone! It's your game reviewing MD here and I declare, if you like old school indie games, this indie ditty 'tis Greetings and Salutations everyone! It's your game reviewing MD here and I declare, if you like old school indie games, this indie ditty 'tis a gem. I had lots of great time playing this and I heartily recommend it to anyone who loved the games of yesteryear. Get a bit drunk, remember the 80's, stick a controller in your hands and just enjoy the fun of it all. The bosses are much more interesting than anything I experienced back in the day and are a joy to overcome.

The humour is always present and fulfills the 80's style it promises, as does the gorgeous pixel graphics and soundtrack. The gameplay itself is great - it's oldskool with an extra layer of sophistication due to the modern era, especially the bosses. The only thing you need to do is complete a level completely to have progress saved. Checkpoints are frequent, meaning there's little frustration but still a decent amount of skill required to progress.

Huntdown is trying to achieve 80's/early 90's video game fun whilst being an homage to the culture of those times and still allowing for Huntdown is trying to achieve 80's/early 90's video game fun whilst being an homage to the culture of those times and still allowing for modern conveniences.